Pre & Post Natal Pilates


Postnatal Pilates Classes

Discover the perfect blend of gentle exercise and relaxation tailored to your postpartum journey. Join us to rebuild strength, improve posture, and connect with a supportive community of fellow mums.

Why Pilates Post-Partum?

Postnatal Pilates is not just about shedding the baby weight; it's about rebuilding strength from the inside out. It's a gentle yet effective exercise regime that focuses on specific muscle groups affected during pregnancy and childbirth. These exercises help strengthen your core muscles, improve posture, and regain pelvic floor control - essential for postpartum healing.

About the Classes

Our certified instructors are here to guide you through each session, ensuring your safety and well-being.

  • Weekday classes

  • Each class lasts approximately 60 minutes

  • Mum and baby welcome